Minggu, 29 April 2018


On the first day when we had our fine dining, tbh I wasn't very happy.. My head was filled with my overthinking thoughts that made me stressed out.. And guess what? Yeah, I cried again :) I think Bali turned me into a cry baby hahahaa *kidding

My first night with you guys may not be great, but the rest were awesome <3
Eventho sometimes kita misscom and kita jdi panas or tengkar.. But that's that, I mean there's no way that everything gonna went 100% smooth..
I'm thankful of all the times we spent together.. Curhat session till 3am, renang di hotel, terbangin lampion, main ombak, La Planca, our super tiring journey ke Pantai Nyang", and many more...

Sometimes the greatest moments can't be filmed or photographed.. But it shall stay in our mind and especially our heart..

Many things happened.. We had fun, we laughed, we fought, and also tears were shed..
The evening at La Planca just made everything surreal.. It was the highlight of our trip for me.. It's like the feeling of separation was very strong and close :'(  Seeing you guys gathered together, laughing, taking pictures, playing with the waves, and also the view, the sunset, the wind, and the song.. Everything was just so touching, and again my tears came out :')

What if we rewrite the stars? Say we would do this all over again :')

3 Nights with you guys made me realise how precious you guys are for me :')
Thankyou guys for this short yet memorable trip together <3
I'm forever grateful to have you guys as my senior year's classmate! Surely gonna miss you guys so much! Cheers to all of our memories together, at School and Bali :')

See you on top guys!

Love, Karey <3

5 Days and 4 Nights with Swag!

April 19th, 2018..
It marks the day when we started our last journey together :')
We didn't realise that our d-day would come so fast.. It feels just like yesterday kita baru mulai buat jadwal and ngomel" bcs of 'kekacangan' :)
But here we are today...

Let me tell you a short story about the highlights of our day, including our disasters ;)

On our first day, well nothing went wrong with our plan..
But! Everyone was on their edge and they somehow became moody.. And the atmosphere became intense muahaha

Reminder : klo pergi 10++ org, jangan ke mall!!

Highlight of today : waterbom!! Super super fun!!

Just when I thought this day went well.. There we go again..
Sadly our car 'nyrempet', and it was badly damaged :(

Kalah taruhan H-2 :)

Went to PantaiMelasti today..
Yeah, we are 'gosong' indeed :):)

Actually the highlight of today was Benoa!
But we didn't take any pictures there..
Fyi, the donut ride thingy was LIT!

Finally we got the chance to swim at our own pool :)

Ku De Ta!

Today's funny story : We got rejected by Mo----te :)
And this is the only picture I took there..
Tbh I was kinda disappointed kita gajadi din disini bcs the view was awesome :(
But that's okay, what matter most is our Togetherness!!

Ended up having a dinner at Metis!

Despite all of the unfortunate things that happened..
Do you guys realise? Those are the things that made our trip memorable :')
And I'm grateful for all the times that we spent there :')
Do you guys remember the fight before BottleOfTruth?  Well, i do.. We all thought that kita ga bakal jujur"an bcs suasananya sudah ga enak :(
But guess what? We ended up telling all the frikin' truth :') And again, I couldn't held my tears..
Yang nangis nya paling banjir : erika, jkp, karey :)
For me, that night was the highlight of our trip.. The feeling of kebersamaan was so strong, until I realised that this past few months I was taking you guys for granted :'( I'm sorry..
And I want to make it up before kita semua berpisah :(

Memories were made..
I just want to say thank you to my Swag <3
Yeah we admit it.. We may be fake, we may be loud, we may not always get along well..
But despite all of that, we're still together.. Through goods and bad..
Having you guys in my life are one of my greatest blessing..
We can be who we are, we can be our truest selves when we are together.. We don't need to hide our flaws or jaim"an.. Why?? Because we're already to comfortable with each other.. And each and every one of us already know sifat and sikap kita itu kayak apa :') And that's what I like about Swag :')
2 years had passed..
Cheers to all the time we spent together in class and in lorong dpn ipa6!

Love you Swag <3

(will add more pics soon)